A working mum running their own business – crazy!

As a mum and a business owner, you have all the pressures of being a working mum plus the additional complexity and stress of running your own business

  • being pulled in a million different directions
  • stress, overwhelm & worry
  • never ending to do list
  • lost sight of who you really are, who you used to be
  • daily negative thoughts/feelings of self doubt

You’ve been driven to set up your amazing business but

  • you can’t get out of your own way
  • struggle to stay focused
  • not entirely sure what you should be focusing on anyway
  • hate selling
  • but really need clients
  • and more profit
  • not enjoying the admin of running a business
  • also not exactly sure about marketing
  • you know you’re wasting time doing unimportant stuff/doing it the wrong way but you just can’t work out what to do about it
  • you’ve had some success but can’t see how to take the next step
  • no real systems/processes in place and those you do have seem complicated and take too long
  • you know you should have a ‘strategic plan’ but what is that anyway?


And it doesn’t stop there

There’s all this mum stuff you have to deal with too

increased levels of project management and emotional labour requirements at home

pressure to provide 7 days a week structured & scheduled activites for the children

peer pressure to prove you’re a good mum, like have the best birthday party or make the best cake or put on the best play date

delayed independence for children compared to earlier generations leaving mums to be responsible for their children for longer

an epidemic of childhood mental health issues

increase in the number of children being diagnosed with aditional needs

primary schools in particular expecting huge levels of participation from parents

strict expectations and judgement of how a mum should look and act

social media and other society pressures

dealing with modern age issues such as screen time, online abuse, bullying and even grooming

Oh yeah, and finding boundaries between running your business and home life is really challenging and somewhere dep inside there’s a little voice telling you to give it all up and go out and get a real job

You bounce between

  • A burning desire to make your business work
  • Mum guilt
  • Passion about what you do
  • never feeling good enough
  • Drive to help others
  • Self doubt
  • Excitement at sharing your skills
  • Worries about today/tomorrow/how you look

A lot of this is simply the natural way women are. Strong. Independent. Unstoppable. And yet, while doing the most important job in the world and running a business, now is the time to get the support, strucure, tools and help you need.

Introducing Work Life Mastery for Business Owners

Work Life Mastery tackles the specific needs of a working mum transforming her from the person she is now, barely surviving, overwhelmed and stressed to a happily thriving individual and mum. And alongside that WLM for business owners, gets your business set up for success.

With full business coaching and access to Jo’s expertise in running a business, you can tackle those burning issues like sales (yuk!), marketing (how?), strategy (yes even for small businesses), productivity (you will want this time back) and more.

Because when you’re a mum running your own business, you can’t just tackle your personal life OR your business. They’re both intrinsically linked and your happiness and success in either is dependent on the other.

With Work life Mastery for Business Owners, you’re following a structured methodology designed specifically for your circumstances as a working mum. One that tackles you, as a whole person, your family circumstances and your business in one.

4 easy steps, 1 massive transformation

emergency actions to relieve the most urgent pressures and create space for you and your business

reconnect with the girl within to make decisions based on values, passions, vision and purpose so your business is fully aligned

set personal and business goals for a happy and fulfilling life and set up the tools to achieve them

get 1:1 support to make it through the ups and downs, pitfalls and insecurities

business coaching, mentoring and guidance

mindset upgrades to make every area a success, introducted at the right time to suport you

all easily managed with the happily thriving master plan which contains the tools and processes  of work life mastery to run your home and business life

Why choose from business coaching or personal coaching?

When neither has the exact methodology to support a working mum

Get the business and personal support you need to make your business a success while learning how to manage your family life, take really good care of yourself and become a master of your own life

Work Life Mastery for Mum Business Owners provides the tools and support you need in a carefully crafted step by process

Jo, Work Life Mastery Coach

Jo was forced out out of the corporate world due to burn out. The recovery process was slow and she then went on to set up her own business. Trying a few different ones along the way, she is now passionate about helping other mums do exactly the same

Jo brings:



From coaching and mentoring in her corporate role to doing it as part of her business, Jo’s passion and commitment always shines through



Jo has set up her own business around a family. While recovering from burn out. She knows the pitfalls. What to avoid. She’s made the mistakes for you so you can learn from them.



You get to tap into 25 years corporate experience plus setting up and running her own business, providing support for her husband’s building business, consultancy services to clients and hours of training in sales and marketing

 It’s no joke running a business and being a mum. Why do it on your own when you can get the specialist support you need?

Jo has been an invaluable asset to my business and to myself personally. Her training helped me see my work load in a completely different way, to understand more about how my brain worked which has allowed me to prioritise tasks more effectively and to focus on the important issues. Her no nonsense approach and focus on positive thinking has meant that my business has improved and my work life balance has improved significantly. I now think and act in a more positive way and has helped me stop being paralysed by my ADHD.

Leon Fynn

 What does Work Life Mastery for Business Owners look like for you?

Perfect for

Mums who run their own small or medium sized business


Become the person you need to become to be successful, happy & thriving

Feel confident with goals and plans that suit you and your business

Achieve more with clearer and more positive mindset

Take those big actions your business needs

Design your life to work for you, your family and your business with the tools you need to master and run it like a pro

Consists of

Initial ½ day session

Unlimited one to one guidance and support through the 4 step work life mastery process for you and your business

Happily Thriving Master Plan delivered to your door

Lifetime access to the tools in your Master Plan

Mindset tools to support your transformation and support your business success

Support and accountability for 12 months

Unlimited one to one sessions as needed


£12,000 – £15,000

Payment Plan £5,000 to £7,000 initial payment

£1,200 to £1,500 a month for 6 months

Actual price will be confirmed after your call with Jo



Where to start

The easiest way to get started is to fill in the short application form or you can drop an email to [email protected] or use our contact page.